Monday, January 29, 2007

[Task 4]: My Own Mythology

Margarita is the goddess of worship. Everyone falls for her and kisses the ground she walks upon. She has striking beauty that all the gods want to be with her and that all the goddesses want to be her. She is sweet yet she is vicious. Most fear for their lives when she walks by because with one evil stare, the envious' lives would then be full of torture and struggle. Anyone who looks down upon her is in for a miserable life. Men and gods flock to her but with a kiss their poisened.

Fillipo is the God of young persons. If one looks at him in such a bad way, they will age before anyone's eyes. He is settle yet destructive. Him and Margarita are a thing. Together they kill, torture people, yet keep the world with beautiful who follow them.

Monday, January 1, 2007

[Task 3]: What is My Mythology.

My heritage is Italian. I will now explain some famous artists, philosophers, and art with you from my heritage.

Gentile da Fabriano (born in 1370; probably died in 1427) was an Italian painter known for his participation in the International Gothic style.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was born on March 6,1475 and died February 18, 1564. He was commonly known as just Michelangelo. Michelangelo was a painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer.

The Sistine Chapel cieling was one of Michelangelo's most famous work of art. He began painting it around 1508 and completed the cieling around 1512. There are many elements to the ceiling; it has nine scenes from the Book of Genesis, seven Old Testament prophets; five sibyls, as well as four corners and eight triangular areas also containing scenes.

Niccolò Machiavelli was born May 3, 1469 and died on June 21, 1527. Niccolo was a political philosopher, musician, poet and a romantic comedic playwrighter. He is the key figure for the Italian Renaissance.


[Task 2]: God & Goddesses: Yemaja

Yemaja is the African goddess of the Yoruba people of Nigeria. She is also the goddess of the sea and patroness of shipwrecked persons. She is worshipped mainly by women.

[Task 2]: God & Goddesses: Shango

Shango is the African God of thunder and storm. One of his most noticable traits was killing people from breathing fire out of his mouth. Shango has three wives: Oya, who stole Shango's secrets of magic; Oschun, the river goddess who is Shango's favorite because of her culinary abilities; and Oba, who tried to win his love by offering her ear for him to eat.

[Task 2]: God & Goddesses: Isis

Isis is the Egyptian goddess of nature, magic and power, the great mother who protects her family and brings up the king. Isis is Osiris wife and sister. There was nothing Isis couldn't do. She was the most skilled magician.

[Task 2]: God & Godesses: Osiris

Osiris is the Egyptian god of the dead. He was also the god of vegatation and agriculture. Osiris was the one who judges the afterlife and yet granted all life in the underworld. His name is still a mystery. People believe his name is really Asur.

[Task 2]: God & Godesses: Amaterasu

Amaterasu is the Japanese Shinto Sun godess. Amaterasu was so radiant and beautiful that her parents sent her up the ladder to the heavens. She ruled the heavens ever since that day. Amaterasu's brother, Susanowa, who was the storm god, made too much noise for her in heaven. She then decided to hide out in a cave. Her disappearence deprived the world of light and life.

[Task 2]: God & Godesses: Maya

Maya is the Hindu godess of illusion. Maya is known to create the ignorance of oneself. Maya also stands for a demon that was the architect of the demons.

[Task 2]: God & Godesses: Shiva

Shiva is the Hindu God of destruction. Shiva is responsible for change in form and death. Shiva has his own dance where it shows destruction and the creation of the universe.