Tuesday, December 19, 2006

[Task 2]: God & Godesses: Izanagi

Izanagi was the first god of Earth who created the world in Japanese mythology. Izanagi was married to his sister, but while she was giving birth, she died. Izanagi loved her so much that he went to the underworld and begged for her to go back with him but she denied. Izanagi created the first cleaning rites whereas then the sun, the moon, the storm and the seas were created.

[Task 2]:God & Godesses: Hina

Hina was the most closely associated with the moon. Once she found out her husband, Tane, was her father, it was too much for her to bear. She immediately converge into the underworld and changed her name to HINENUITEPO. Now she's the godess who deals with death.

[Task 2]: God & Godesses: Tane

Tane is the god that signifies "man". He fulfilled many great tasks. Tane accomplished seperating earth from sky, beautifying the heavens and creating women. Tane's life giving qualities were symbolized in myth and prayer. He was lord of the forest and all the creatures who lived in it.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

[Task 2]: God & Godesses: Hades

Hades is the greek god for the dead. Mortals were unbelieveably scared of him that they didn't mention or even whisper his name. Hades wife, Persephone was beautiful, silent and not happy. Hades kidnapped her and basically took her hostage. All mortals were damned to Hades.


[Task 2]: Gods & Goddesses: Aphrodite

Aphrodite is the Greek godess of love. She did not have a father or mother. Aphrodite was not allowed to choose her own lover, Zeus picked one for her. The husband Zeus picked for her was Hephaestus. Together, Hephaestus and Aphrodite had a mischevious son named Eros. Eros is what we would call "cupid" these days. Aphrodite was not happy with her husband, instead she was yearning for his brother, Ares.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


1.)The dictionary definition(www.dictionary.com) for mythology is: a set of stories, traditions, or beliefs associated with a particular group or the history of an event, arising naturally or deliberately fostered.

2.)From Wikipedia.com, heir definition of mythology is: In common usage, myth means a falsehood — a story which many believe to be based on fact but which is not true. However, the field of mythology does not use this definition.

3.) From http://urbanlegends.about.com/cs/folklore/f/mythology1.htm, their definition of mythology is: a field of study that is not easily defined, being as much a composite of many other subjects of human inquisitiveness and investigation as it is a unique arena all its own.

4.) From http://www.answers.com/topic/celtic-mythology, their defnition of mythology is: A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.

5.) From http://www.pantheon.org/articles/m/mythology.html, their definition of mythology is: In this sense one is describing a system of myths which were used by a particular society at some particular time in human history.

My definition of mythology would have to be the study of a myth. A myth is a legendary story that has been around for years originating from a specific culture with heroes and has been past down through cultural tradtions.


The Monster
What you’re feeling right now isn’t normal.You’re hurting that you’ve found a way to crash.You hit rock bottom while dressed in formal.The one you needed the most just bashed.You threw your life away to a substance.A high that you’ve recently just met.But you couldn’t listen even for once.You drown in your own self-pity I bet.Why, why did you give up trying so hard?Playing the fool of thinking you were stronger,All my thoughts, feelings and cares were absurd.For you to be better is taking longer.Are you ready to fight for your soul?Or let it drain, drain into a bowl?

Tearing Myself Apart.
You, you sat, laughed, and watched me beg and plead.Hoping you would have an explanation,You only worried about taking lead.And left me to reflect moderation.I asked you, ‘Tell me something that will hurt’You can’t even give me satisfaction.I’ve watched these candles fade and now their burnt.You laughed at devastating reactions.I knew something wasn’t right when you left.Behind my back you had feelings for her.Underestimating, you are a theft.You took a piece of my heart, but what for?A barrier I, I had to build up.So you, you would finally give up.